IA Workshop
300 ideas for IB Physics
Physics IBO guide
Think IB ideas
SPHS Devil Physics resources
Some random link
As seen in: https://www.thinkib.net/physics/page/17437/not-a-checklist
Personal Engagement
Clear evidence of personal engagement, justification of topic and evidence of personal input in design, implementation or presentation:
- Statement of reason why the topic is interesting.
- Context of the research given.
- Interesting use of apparatus.
- Novel method.
- Adaption of equipment to suit requirements.
- comparison of different methods.
- Use of simulations to compare results.
Focused research question, relevant background information with highly appropriate method all factors influencing reliability considered with full awareness for safety ethical and environmental issues.
- Research question clearly stated in introduction.
- If applicable variables identified.
- Theoretical background explained.
- Equations derived not just stated.
- Method is described fully showing attention to detail and consideration of controlled variables.'
- Appropriate method (if it worked it was probably appropriate).
- Adaption of method to reduce errors.
- Use of different methods to reinforce conclusion.
- Use of simulations to support theoretical background.
- Mention of factors that can not be controlled.
- Mention of safety issues (not trivialised).
Raw data is displayed in a table and processed correctly. Uncertainties are justified and processed. Results are correctly interpreted and the impact of uncertainties is fully understood.
- Relevant raw data collected.
- Raw data is displayed in a clear table.
- Raw data table has correct units and uncertainties in headers.
- There is enough raw data to support conclusion (at least 5 values of independent variable for a linear relationship more for non linear).
- Measurement of dependent variable has been repeated (about 5 times) and mean value calculated.
- Uncertainties calculated from (max -min)/2 or percentages.
- Some processing of data (at least finding mean).
- Results used to show the impact of uncertainties (e.g. intercept, spread of data or size of error bars).
- Data used to find relationship or value.
- Uncertainty in gradient found where appropriate.
A detailed and fully relevant conclusion justified with reference to accepted theory. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed, limitations of method understood and improvements discussed.
- Any calculated values are expressed correctly and compared to accepted.
- Any claims made are justified and backed up with evidence from the results.
- Shows an understanding of how the results support the theory and where it deviates from it.
- Understands how uncertainties affect the results (with evidence).
- Tries to adapt the method to reduce uncertainties or test their impact.
- Highlights weaknesses in the method (with evidence).
- Discusses how to address weaknesses (weaknesses addressed should be those mentioned).
- Discusses what the next step would be given more time.
Clearly presented, well structured, coherent, focused, relevant with correct use of terminology and few errors.
- Can a it be read in one go without having to re-read sections in order to understand it.
- Correct use of physical terms.
- Organised into short sections with relevant sub titles.
- Not more than 12 pages.
- Doesn't contain irrelevant information.
- Correct units used throughout.
- Derivations and equations correctly performed and well laid out.